Are You And Your Partner Struggling To Connect?


Have you and your partner fallen into communication patterns that are shaped by silence? Perhaps the ease and pleasure you and your partner once enjoyed has been replaced by nagging, loneliness or even anger. Or, perhaps a recent painful event, such as a loss, an infidelity or an addiction, has you wondering if you and your partner can even repair your broken trust. Do you feel unheard or unloved in the presence of the person who’s supposed to support you no matter what? Do you wish you could just reconnect, and trust in your ability to get through this as a team?

Drifting apart from your closest ally can be a lonely, frustrating and confusing experience. It’s possible that you both have tried to create a positive routine following a major life transition, such as your children moving out, but something remains off. Or, you may fill your schedule with other priorities to avoid spending meaningful time together, which only reminds you of your sense of instability. These emotions may have even trickled into your personal and professional life, making it difficult to concentrate at work or get a good night’s rest.

All Couples Occasionally Experience Challenges


Often relationships begin full of love, honesty and eagerness to spend time together. But as more time passes and you change occupations, move, watch your children grow older and experience loss, it can be easy for you relationship to get off-track. And, when faced with difficult transitions and external stress, it’s also common for couples to isolate themselves, spending more time on other activities or the internet, rather than reaching out to one another when they need each other most.

The good news is that couples therapy can help you and your partner reconnect and learn new ways to work through your issues as a team.

Couples Counseling Can Help You and Your Partner Reconnect

In a compassionate and nonjudgmental environment, I can help you and your partner understand your relationship on a deeper level. If your relationship has been challenged by a recent crisis, such as an infidelity or major life transition, we will first work toward mitigating your immediate painful emotions so that we can safely and effectively move forward in the therapy process. If you often argue, we will practice communication techniques to help bridge the gaps and view issues from one another’s perspective. The more you learn about each other, the easier it becomes to share your emotions and arrive at compromises.


Couples therapy can help you and your partner explore and address what has changed in your relationship and what you both wish to regain moving forward. Once we outline each of your individual goals, as well as your goals as a couple, we will organize our sessions to fit your personal needs. No matter how straining the turbulence has been in your relationship, you both can be happy and move forward together.

Couples counseling will also focus on healing some of the core emotional pain you may be experiencing. If you or your partner is overwhelmed with anxiety, weighed down by sadness or struggling with an addiction, we will develop ways in which you can support each other in times of need. If you are in an LGBTQ relationship and face additional pressure, such as discrimination or family rejection, I can help you and your partner address external tensions and experience a safe and loving relationship.

I have always had a passion for helping couples reconnect and rekindle the love they once had. For more than 20 years, I have supported couples through their difficult times and have watched them learn and grow from one another.

You may be interested in couples counseling but still have some questions and concerns…

My partner does not want to attend couples counseling.

It’s common for one partner to avoid counseling for a variety of reasons. Perhaps your partner is worried that he or she will be confronted in sessions, or that I will end up siding with you during disagreements. But, I do not take sides. I invite each of you to call me to discuss any initial concerns. If your partner still does not want to attend, you and I can still work together during relationship counseling for individuals sessions [LINK TO RELATIONSHIP COUNSELING PAGE] so you can learn new communication techniques, make effective changes, shift the dynamic of your relationship and get your needs met.

We have tried many methods to improve our connection. How will couples counseling be any different?

While books and online resources may attempt to repair your relationship, those resources often don’t work because they can’t provide a personal connection or adequately understand where you’re coming from. The personalized support of an experienced therapist allows for extensive solutions that are tailored to your unique concerns and desires.

Will our investment of time and money pay off?

Spending time, money and energy on your relationship can give you an extraordinary peace of mind as the two of you look forward. Although there is a cost involved in this work, consider the alternatives. Over time, unresolved issues can become even more complicated and feelings of anxiety, sadness and yearning can worsen. If you’re not willing to put in the resources now to repair your relationship, you may continue to be unhappy, or you and your partner may choose to separate or divorce. Securing the bond with your partner is invaluable. Couples counseling allows you to feel more joy and balance in every aspect of your life.

Start Repairing Your Relationship Today

If you and your partner are ready for couples counseling, I invite you to contact me to discuss your needs and setup an appointment.

If you’re not able to meet in my La Quinta, CA office, I can provide phone therapy and virtual coaching sessions.


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