Ever thought about couples counseling but held back because of something you heard? There are tons of myths floating around about what really goes on when couples seek professional help.
Where to Draw the Line: The Difference Between Emotional Cheating and Friendship
5 Ways to Better Communicate with Your ADHD Partner
4 Dos and Don'ts When Communicating With Your Partner
6 Communication Tips for Couples
Understanding Emotional Infidelity and its Impact
4 Tips to Spice up Your Sex Life
How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Your Relationship
How Male Menopause Can Cause Divorce
6 Healthy Communication Tips for When You're Angry With Your Partner
ADHD & Marriage: 5 Ways to Fix Your Communication Problems
How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Your Relationship
How Often do Married Couples Have Sex?
How Digital Distraction Might Be Driving You And Your Partner Apart
Many of us readily embrace the “kids these days” reaction when it comes to technology. But it’s not just millennials who seem attached to their devices. Digital distraction is a growing reality among older adults, too. It’s not just obvious concerns like texting while driving. I’m talking about the negative impact our high-tech culture can have on our relationships.